🔖Development Update - April 2023

In April 2023, we were able to accomplish this:

✅ Launched updated corporate website - iagon.com

✅ Released multisender (invoicing) app on Cardano mainnet

✅ Started our Liquidity Providers Rewards Campaign on DEXes and LSPO pool

✅ Shared reworked tokenomics

✅ Prototyped  recurring payments contract

✅ Set up mainnet node & exposed node.socket from cardano-node

We’re still working on:

⌛ Finalizing LP Rewards Calulator development and UI improvements

⌛ Fine tunning development of multisender app frontend and new features/sections

⌛ Starting work on on Custom Component Library with storybook integration

⌛ Working on responsiveness UI/UX design fixes on storage client app

For more information and to see what else is going on with Iagon, please follow us at the social media links, or head over to the IAGON Website!