🔖Development Update - January 2024

Our team is dedicated to continuous improvement and regularly adding new features, viewing innovation as an ongoing journey. Excellence is our perpetual pursuit, transforming feedback into actionable insights!

In the vibrant ecosystem of our platform, the rhythm of innovation never skips a beat. Thanks to the invaluable insights from our community, our development team embraces a 24/7 commitment to refining and enhancing our services. This perpetual motion of problem-solving and upgrading is the cornerstone of our progress.

Let's unwrap the tapestry of achievements we've woven over the January 2024, each thread a testament to our dedication and your feedback.

✅ Implemented bulk selection and deletion in web hosting

✅ Integrated hardware wallet

✅ Added feature for node logs

✅ Worked on staking and subscription NFTs contracts

✅ Completed first iteration of decentralized compute implementation

✅ Integrated IAGL2 pool to LP Reward Program calculator

✅ Reduced lock period to 3 months for node operators

✅ Refined node rewards and fees calculation scripts

✅ Enhanced recovery, redistribution, and migration scripts

✅ Made security improvements and database optimization

✅ Added Docker container support

✅ Increased read/write and upload/download size

We're working on and plan to focus on:

⌛ Plan to work on UI/UX for Statur - reputation model.

⌛ Will develop a Synology NAS plugin.

⌛ Aim to implement hardware wallet support on Ledgerflow app

⌛ Working on a staking calculator - currently in progress.

⌛ Aim to integrate Vespr.

⌛ Plan to make the tunneling server dynamic and add load balancing.

⌛ Will deploy all apps with updated designs and UI/UX improvements

⌛ Fixing UTXO models in all apps and completing the Blockfrost to Maestro migration.

⌛ Work on moving devices and migrating file shards from the provider dashboard.

⌛ Plan to implement notifications for Node check fails.

⌛ Aim to enable moving files and folders from one location to another (storage client + web host).

⌛ Will introduce a file sharing feature.

⌛  Starting a tax app concept as a new dApp

⌛ Plan to integrate Web2.0 payment system.

⌛ Continuing work on computation - next stage in progress

Our development team is brimming with creativity, constantly pushing the boundaries with a host of exciting developments in progress. Stay tuned for our announcements and join us in building the future together. Your attention and participation fuel our journey towards innovation and excellence.

For more information and to see what else is going on with Iagon, please follow us at the social media links, or head over to the IAGON Website!