IAGON Connects with Blockchain-VR Platform, ImmVRse

IAGON (IAG) has built a synergistic partnership with another emerging and incredibly forward-thinking company that, much like ourselves, plans to disrupt the industry in a major way. Today, we are pleased to announce one of the first corporations to join our early adopter program, London-based company, ImmVRse.

ImmVRse offers a revolutionary distributed platform that is powered by the Ethereum Blockchain and geared towards brands looking to branch out into the new and compelling world of VR. This will revolutionize the marketplace as ImmVRse allows them to hire content creators in a quick, easy and convenient manner. Furthermore, ImmVRse is an encrypted, connected & decentralized Blockchain-VR video-sharing platform, where VR content producers are able to showcase their talents to a much broader audience than traditional methods would allow because the viewers are actually able to interact within the community by liking, commenting and sharing videos, while simultaneously receiving rewards as incentives.

Providing a somewhat immediate edge for those using the ImmVRse will, of course, be the fact that they essentially have their own ecosystem, using the ease and sophistication of smart contracts to ensure that all transactions between the parties are valid and secured while eliminating all need for intermediaries. Additionally, creators are able to be paid by brands and advertisers directly on the platform, using IMV tokens and advertisers are able to utilize the same token to collectively manage their various advertising opportunities within the ImmVRse platform.

In the spirit of decentralization, IAGON’s early adopter program brings benefits to all parties involved and we at IAGON are elated to have a chance to, not only have ImmVRse as one of the first entries to the IAGON adopter program, but to also garner honest and candid feedback about the IAGON platform. With partnerships like these, we are able to fully shape our services to fit the individualized and collective needs of our platform users as well.

As IAGON (IAG) aims to disrupt cloud computing as it is currently understood, we will be aiding ImmVRse on the path of disrupting the VR industry with their revolutionary Blockchain-VR Platform. By providing IAGON’s unique, proprietary, secure and encrypted distributed storage solution, we plan to deliver optimal decentralized cloud services, including storage and processing power to ImmVRse and we are proud to be working towards the installment of decentralized technology across all sectors.