Navjit Dhaliwal Talks with Nasdaq Market’s Jane King

Most people have been able to stay up-to-date what has been going on with the progression on the Iagon platform, token and overall company, through following our various social media channels or periodically going through our previous articles and press releases. That, of course, means a lot to the Iagon team as we strive to take over the cloud computing industry, one believer at a time.

Recently, the Iagon CEO, Navjit Dhaliwal had a chance to make a trip to New York in order to speak with the people of Nasdaq’s Market Site and Lilamax media about the current state of Iagon and all of the things that we plan on accomplishing in the future. The interview, which can be found in full — here, is being conducted by Innovators host, Jane King, who also happens to be the CEO of Lilamax Media as well.

If you’ve yet to have a chance to hear one of Iagon’s previous interviews, this one will cover all of the Iagon basic principles within less than five minutes, so if you’re interested in hearing about Iagon’s boundless potential and failsafe structure, but don’t have a lot of time, here’s your chance.

Throughout the interview, Navjit explains that Iagon in working on a solution that will help decrease prices and increase security for professional and new cloud users, alike. Mentioning the fact that the Iagon platform allows for a decrease of pricing by, up to, 80%. He also explains to Jane the importance of ensuring that the product is failsafe and secure, informing her that we are currently running tests on the platform through confidential partner companies, and should be ready to launch the fully completed product within the next two to three months.

Currently, Iagon has been doing our best to guarantee that our clients, customers, investors, and partners have access to the best resources and testing facilities available. A point that was raised when Jane inquired about our recent partnership with Dubai-based, Perago Capital, which you can learn more about, here.

As we continue to work behind the scenes, we are often encouraged by moments like these, where all of the behind the scenes work that has been done to encourage adaptability, business development, and organic growth has a chance to be acknowledged. And for that, as always, we thank you.

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