The Need for a Secure Cloud
When the general public thinks of cloud computing services, they most likely envision large corporations, schools and other establishments, however, in reality, you almost always utilize cloud computing services while doing things that require any type of online social network, including, online gaming applications, social media, Slack, Google, the list goes on.
Initially, the cloud was viewed as an impenetrable force that would save space for the user, while enhancing the speed in which you were able to share certain resources, including, storage, servers, applications and networks, among others. The simplistic ease that accompanied the cloud also brought along other perks, such as reduced costs and unlimited storage. In a perfect world, we’d say that was the end of a happy story, however, then came along the all-to-frequent, and dare I say bothersome, data breaches and system hacks.
The unfortunate continued to happen throughout the servers and systems that are charged with holding onto your most precious data. Regardless of the clear benefits that have been provided by these centralized cloud service providers in the past, their lack of consistent security continues to derail their conscious efforts to protect the data of their users’, thus leaving room for the growth and rise of innovative, decentralized cloud computing providers like IAGON.
IAGON’s platform has the ability to demonstrate the heightened level of impenetrable security that we have all been waiting for, as we aim to provide the data security that the world is in need of. Powered by Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technology, the IAGON platform is going to disrupt the cloud computing industry as you know it, providing the security that has been lacking within the industry over the last few years.
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