Empowering Enterprises with Customizable, Compliant, and Secure Cloud Solutions

As decentralized cloud service and internet solutions continue to advance, enterprise adoption has lagged despite the clear advantages such technology presents. This is due to the challenges and concerns commonly associated with the trust, control and regulatory compliance of decentralized networks. 

Recognizing the opportunity that this market gap presented, Iagon has sought out to establish a variation of the Iagon cloud services network that bridges the gap between decentralization and compliance while removing the barriers for enterprise adoption. 

Iagon is excited to introduce our Private Distributed Cloud Service, a decentralized solution designed and optimized specifically for enterprise. Through this service, businesses can securely harness decentralized storage solutions without compromise, choosing trusted, verifiable storage providers that meet critical compliance standards like HIPAA, ISO certifications and more. 

How it works

The Core of Private Distributed Cloud Services

Iagon Private Distributed Cloud Services empower enterprises with the ability to sculpt their ideal services network by choosing a select subset of storage nodes that are tailored to their compliance, security and performance requirements. This service provides businesses with complete control over the environment within their own private decentralized network and enables them to meet and monitor regulatory and operational compliance. 

Our Private Distributed Cloud Services remove the need for hesitation when considering Iagon and the many benefits a decentralized network provides — such as robust security, redundancy and significant cost savings — as an enterprise service solution. Traditionally, many of these barriers preventing such adoption has come from the need for trusted verified providers which many decentralized networks can not guarantee, until now. By selecting from Iagon’s global network of Certified Storage Providers, businesses can choose solutions that ensure the highest level of trust and reliability, meet their regulatory and compliance requirements all while benefiting from the advantages of a decentralized model. 

Centralized Solutions: The Challenges They Present

Traditional centralized cloud solutions, such as those provided by AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure, offer businesses an established infrastructure with tools to help meet compliance. However, these solutions come with significant drawbacks:

  1. High Costs: Centralized services often come with premium pricing for storage and bandwidth, which can become a burden as users and data scales.
  2. Central Points of Failure: Despite their robust infrastructure, centralized services are vulnerable to outages and attacks as they rely on a few critical hubs. A failure in one location can affect millions of users and lead to significant losses. 
  3. Limited Customization: Centralized solutions often operate within fixed parameters, limiting an enterprise’s ability to customize storage and performance based on specific operational needs.

Iagon’s Private Distributed Cloud Service addresses these challenges by giving enterprises the flexibility to choose a decentralized storage solution while maintaining the control they require.

Examples: Industries Benefiting from Private Distributed Cloud Service

Here’s how Iagon’s Private Distributed Cloud Service caters to industries with stringent compliance needs, helping them overcome the limitations of centralized solutions:

1. Healthcare (Hospitals and Clinics)

  • Problem: Hospitals are bound by strict data protection laws like HIPAA, ensuring patient data privacy and security. Centralized solutions may offer encryption but do not inherently provide compliance or offer the level of trust necessary for regulatory adherence.
  • Solution: Iagon’s Private Distributed Cloud Service allows hospitals to select nodes verified for HIPAA compliance, giving them control over their data storage while leveraging the security and cost-efficiency of decentralization. This overcomes centralized storage’s high cost and vulnerability to outages and attacks, while providing guaranteed regulatory adherence.

2. Banking and Financial Institutions

  • Problem: Banks handle sensitive financial data that must meet ISO certifications, maintain proof of existence, and ensure data integrity. Centralized storage solutions, despite their infrastructure, remain vulnerable to central points of failure and don’t provide the customization required by financial institutions.
  • Solution: Iagon’s platform allows banks to select ISO-certified storage providers, ensuring compliance and reliability. Banks can also choose high-performance nodes with audit trails, benefiting from decentralized redundancy while avoiding the risks associated with central points of failure.

3. High-Performance Requirements in Media

  • Problem: Media companies that work with large video files require high-performance storage with fast data retrieval. Centralized services offer this, but at a high cost and with limited control over customization.
  • Solution: With Iagon’s decentralized model, media companies can select nodes optimized for high-performance storage and retrieval, ensuring smooth access to large files without the hefty price tags and lack of flexibility found in centralized solutions.
  • Problem: Law firms need storage solutions that provide physical proof of existence and auditability for sensitive legal documents. Centralized providers often cannot offer the same level of control over these processes without introducing high costs and single points of failure.
  • Solution: Iagon’s service enables law firms to choose storage providers with verified physical infrastructure and regular audits, providing the reliability and legal compliance they require, while eliminating the vulnerability of a centralized system.

5. Large Enterprise 

  • Problem: Large scale enterprises control a vast amount of data regarding internal operations and external user data collections. Centralized providers who are often chosen to host this data serve as single point vulnerabilities that can lead to mass data lake breaches and hacks resulting in significant damages.
  • Solution: Iagon’s decentralized cloud network migrates the risks of centralized vulnerabilities and prevents the ability for data breaches for leaks, ensuring the confidential internal data as well as data shared by clients and customers is safe and secure. 

By offering customizable services and verified storage providers, Iagon enables enterprises to transition to decentralized storage smoothly and securely, taking advantage of decentralized benefits—enhanced security, cost-efficiency, and redundancy—while maintaining the trust and compliance they need to operate.

Final Remarks

Iagon’s Private Distributed Cloud Service is a game-changing solution for enterprises looking to adopt decentralized storage while maintaining control over compliance, performance, and trust. By allowing businesses to choose certified, reliable storage providers, Iagon ensures that industries such as healthcare, finance, and law can confidently make the shift toward decentralization without the drawbacks of traditional centralized cloud services.

We are committed to providing the most advanced and customizable solutions for enterprise-grade decentralized storage. The future of cloud storage is decentralized, and with our Private Distributed Cloud Service, it’s secure, compliant, and enterprise-ready.

Stay tuned for more as we continue to lead the way in decentralized storage innovation.