In August 2023, we were able to accomplish this:

✅ Launched CLI application for node settings

✅ Released desktop application v1.0.6 with new features

✅ Introduced additional APIs for resource providers

✅ Parameterized APIs for uploading and downloading files - deployment ready - final tests are in progress

✅ APIs for storage client for secure file/folders uploading and downloading - final tests before deployment

✅ Multisig contract interaction with frontend - final tests before deployment

We’re still working on :

⌛ Integrating storage client APIs with frontend application

⌛ Continuing work on the algorithm for measuring performance for the browser extension

⌛ Working on a bug reporting application and integrating it with all our products

⌛ Developing file encryption functionality

⌛ Working on secure file sharing with wallet addresses and publicly

⌛ Developing a single staking and reward manager contract

⌛ Working on a subscription manager

⌛ Completing LedgerFlow - multi-signature application frontend integration and submission for audit

⌛ Focusing on API security enhancements

⌛ Implementing load-balancing for storage

For more information and to see what else is going on with Iagon, please follow us at the social media links, or head over to the IAGON Website!